Will Evisu make a come back?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Many people witnessed the huge rise and fall of designer jeans label Evisu. With huge sales and celebrity co-signs it wasn’t long before Evisu started to dominate the designer jeans market. I’m not sure if it was greed or if they where bitten by the fame bug but eventually Evisu started abandoning their core customers and began designing for the “urban” crowd. There came a point where you started seeing the logo being overused and oddly misplaced. One of the biggest fails that I can recall was those gaudy pairs with the logo that stretched down both pants legs.
“How you want it? My jeans is $300. These ain’t Diesel nah these is Evisu.” (Jay-Z -Show You How)

Remember that line from Jay-Z? Well that may have been the beginning of the end for Evisu. Jay-Z sorta has an Oprah effect when it comes to the hood. You know how when Oprah mentions a product and soccer moms rush to the store to cop it? Yeah that effect. Well the problem was that your average project cat couldn’t afford $300 jeans. You mix that with lower quality mass production of Evisu and then you have every bootlegger overseas making variants of your product, which is a definite recipe for disaster.
Evisu is going back their roots on their new up coming spring/summer linuep(featured below). Now they are focusing heavily on quality vs quantity. The new lineup will feature some great washes and exceptional quality. Question is will it work out for them? Or is the Evisu name forever tarnished? Leave your 2 cents in the comments section…

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