Yesterday was the 2nd "DunkXchange" of 2010 being that it's a monthly event now. As always their were some exclusives in the building. However yesterday was the most Packed one I've seen it in a Minute. Their had to be close to 800 people their & I was Late!!. Much Respect to My Dude "Vulkan" who made sure we got Right In. As Soon as I came inside ad dude from "Defamnation Clothing" greeted me like "You gotta check out my table.."LOL . I always Respect a person who's on their Grind, so I had to give him Shout Out!.I also ran into "All Day" & dude from "SneekGeekz".
Thanks to everyone who showed us Love!. I saw some familiar faces & a lot of new ones, but My "8&9 Clothing" Fam was in the building. Shout Out -to the whole team, they debuted their new "OG Kush" & "Obsess Nothing" sweatshirts. They also had several pairs of the "Motorsport" Jordan 6's & Copper Foamposites on deck. DunkXchange always brings out the young "Entrepreneurs" I saw some really young dudes Getting It!Lol, U gotta Love it!!. Theirs also a New T shirt company out of Brooklyn called "Where Brooklyn At?" they got some $h!t. They had a t-shirt to match the Spizkes with the quote "A Three Grows In Brooklyn" lol.
Last but NEVER Least is My "KICKGAME DVD" Family/Team. You see some of the "Usual Suspects". Dane Cody, Debo, & myself! the fourth dude is My Man 50Grand! "Gotti"(not 2b confused with Swan Gody). He came all the way from "Carrol City" Miami to "Put On"' with the squad.Yessir!! We Came/We Saw/We Conquered!! On To The Next One..."KickGame"!