Okay I'm Finally Ready To Do This: "RESPECT MY DUDE"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last Thursday June.17,2010 was game 7 of the NBA Finals. Before the game started all the FAKE Boston fans were talking alot of $h!t. As the game started my boy Kobe was having a bad 1st half. All I could think about is all the Laker HATERS getting ready to call me & how terrible my summer would be if Kobe didn't turn it on fast. Mind you these same people who HATE the Lakers are the same ones who gave Lebron a pass for loosing "again". (His elbow is hurt, his team is trash..etc) I realized Lebron can do NO Wrong in their eyes. However I knew Kobe would receive NO such Love.
I knew he wouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt (Bad ankle, Bad knee that needed draining DURING the playoffs, Broken finger on his shooting hand...etc). I knew if he came up short he would be considered a failure in the eyes of those who Love to Hate him. I knew that people would use a second loss to Boston as a reason to question his legacy & his skill as a player. Now we all know that I have been waving the "KOBE Flag" all season. And a game 7 loss would be devastating to me.
Once again I watch all season as they compared Lebron to Kobe asking who's better?. As soon as Lebron got eliminated & Kobe was on his way to his 3rd NBA Finals in 3years. The conversation switched to "is Kobe better than Mike?". Both arguments are used to try to diminish Kobe as a player & both are straight up STUPID questions.
KOBE IS BETTER THAN LEBRON JAMES at this point!!. Even if your one of those people who say Shaq is the reason for 3 of his rings(another diminishing argument), the fact is he's been to the finals 3 years straight & walked away with 2 championchips.
As for Michael Jordan I truly believe that Kobe is the closest in the past decade that we've seen. The circumstances are different Mike was Loved & Kobe is Hated (don't try to argue that one). Kobe gets compared to Basketball Bosses Like Mike/Larry/Magic!. Lebron gets compared to Kobe & that's how it will always be. So he has to hope to try & pass Kobe (which I DON'T see happening).

So the second half came around & we kicked Bostons @$$!!!. When it was all said & done we were the 2010 NBA Champions. However HATERS still don't want to give him his props!! saying he got bailed out by his team. HOW MANY TIMES HAS HE BAILED OUT THESE DUDES?? HA....Well it doesn't matter cause it's already in the history books, "Kobe Bryant 5 time NBA Champion!!".

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