A Word From:"Mello"...My BAD (I'm SPEEDING!!)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Over the past 5 days I've been just running,Running,RUNNING!!! I been sooooo tired,between "DunkXchange" preperation/blogging/filming/editing/designing New KickGame Gear!/approving music for the Mix Cd/Promoting/designing New flyer's/networking & "just handling my daily duties".I honestly didn't even know what day it was until someone just told me "Today is WEDNESDAY" !!lol..I was watching "Jay-Z" do a interview on BET & he was like "Man,I'm always tired..I'm tired Right Now!!".So on the road to Success their is no time for Sleep!.The post "Below" just gives me a head start for tomorrow....-KickGame "Mello"
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