Today the NBA Playoffs officially begin! I Love/Hate this time of year,Love it because this is when you separate the "Boys from the Men!". At the same time this means the season will be over soon,Damn!!. It has been a tough season for my "Lakers", we've been plagued by injuries.However we still ended the season with the Best record in the West(57-25). First round we play the "Oklahoma Thunder".
Now starts the official Run back to the Championchip. Isn't it ironic that first round we would face my 2nd Favorite player in the league. "Kevin Durant" plays in his first playoff series against "the champs" tomorrow night. I really wanted to watch him play another team 1st round but that just how it goes." So now he's the Enemy!!" lol,Seriously.You know how the "Black Mamba" gets around this time of year.
As I sit here & watch practically Every sports analyst predict that "Cleavland" will win the 'Chip',it reminds me of Last Season. Remember how 'Everybody' thought the 'MVP' would make the playoffs!..But in the end only one "MVP PUPPET" was left Standing (This is how we do it..lol). I respect "Lebron James's game!",however "Right Now" he's NOT better than "KOBE" (IMO). So let the games begin!! But as the you watch Your Team's & hope for them to make it just Remember "One Thing". "You Have To Come Take It From The Champs!!" & were Ready..
1 comment:
I never met a New Yorker that Loves the Lakers as much as you. LOL Good Luck Bro...,
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