KickGame T-Shirts (available here) have been selling like crazy!! "We are truly thankful for your support!"
Next..KickGame Varsity Jackets!! (Ya feel me?..)
November 13,2010 will make 20 months since has been up & running. Thanks to your support daily we're almost at the "500,00 HITS"!. We're very excited about this because we at KickGame truly understand the meaning of consistency. We have been going hard since day 1, which has lead to this. Now I'm gearing up for the next "500,00 HITS", Man when we reach "1 Million HITS!".. We are planning a lot of special things for the day we hit the "500,00" mark, "You Don't Wanna Miss It!!!".
We also want to say thank you to everybody who has ordered KickGame T-Shirts over the past week!. W ere planning a official KickGamephoto shoot . If you want to be a part of the shoot email me at KICKGAMEDVD@GMAIL.COM ..
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