Congatulations to the Winner of the "For The Love of KickGameDVD.COM" Contest..."Cell"!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

What’s good Kickgame, my name is Cell, and I’m from Brooklyn. I've been tuning into for almost a year now, I first heard about it when I met Melo at DxC (Dunk Exchange.) I really have love for the movement, and from my heart I can say; I think it's the best sneaker blog out there.

At first, I used to fuck with sneakernews, and sneakerfreaker heavy, but now-a-days all I do is stay on For the simple fact that it feels more real, more exclusive, and more family oriented. Those other sneaker blogs just feels like…sneaker blogs and nothing more or nothing less. Not only that, they have a lot of sponsors sponsoring them.

I've been tuning into long enough to know that every cent you pump into is coming straight out of your own pocket. Which could have been going to your bills or your son, which makes me respect you even more as a man and as a sneaker head. Believe me, I know how hard shit is. I also have a son, who just turned 2, and he eats every last dollar I get. I still remember when I first checked out, I knew it was something different about it, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Presently, I visit at least 10x a day, just to see if you posted a new story. It’s the top hit on my Safari when I type in www, is the site that immediately pops up! LOL. I even remember when you was trying to win that contest for the Funk Flex Car Show. I literally watched the video so much that I started saying the words with you. My girl was laughing and calling me a weirdo, but she don't understand the "Sneaker Society.” I also think you should make a Youtube account to do sneaker reviews.

All in all, I really appreciate everything you do for all the sneaker heads out there, including myself. Until you make it Hollywood, imma continue to show my love, support, and help spread the word about the best sneaker blog in the New York City, Tri-State Area…! Peace!

Congratulations to "Cell" from Brooklyn!!, Your letter really made a connection with me & my team. Off top I wanna say "Thank You" for tuning into KickGame for over a year!. One of the questions people ask me the most is, "Why do you do this?" & my answer never changes "For The Love!!!!!!". I do this daily hoping that I'm making a connection with the Sneaker Community. You assured me that I am making that connection.
You had me laughing when you said that you watched the video so much that "you memorized it!", & that had you girl looking at you funny lol. Us 'Sneaker Heads' have to stick together. My girl is extremely jealous of KickGame & hates went I'm on my computer. That shit is even rubbing of on to 'Jolo'!!. He be like "C'Mon mannn!!....You still on you computer?" lol. It's all good your Not alone, cause it's all about the "Big Pay Off" moments like this.
As for that YouTube Channel, I really have been thinking about it. The thing is I don't wanna use any footage that will be on the actual "DVD". So YouTube would just be extra footage. Cause if I do that I ain't gonna be like SneakGeeks & these other dudes, doing a video once a month. I'm really gonna go in probably daily!!. That would be a huge responsibility, Not saying I can't handle it but at this very moment "My plate is looking like Thanksgiving".
Once again Congratulations & Thanks for rocking with the best KickGameDVD.COM. When you receive your chain send in a pic so the world can know how we do!! Uno..

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