Dear Kickgamedvd,
I have a strong passion for sneakers as I been into sneakers since I was a child. I love for many reasons. I read through all sneaker blogs such as theshoegame, nicekicks, sneakernews, kicksonfire, deftronic, hypebeast, complex etc. However, your blog attracts me the most. I like how you inform people on the latest trends, as I am from Brooklyn as well. I never get around to posting on your blog as I much rather lurk, but your site is consistently bringing the latest news to us readers.
What makes your site different from all the others is the way you show your own style. Other sites only show what Wale, Cudi & Jay wore but your diversity in choosing what to show to your readers is key. From Camron and Fab to several athletes to what you & Jolo wore, your site is on point. We also have similar taste in music so I love tuning in to your site on a daily basis because of your music playlist.
In addition, I like what you’re doing with Jolo. I’m a teenager and the two things I love are, sneakers and polo. It's nice to see how Jolo started out young and he’s going to be fresh for years to come.
No other blogs have better event recaps than yours, and I always like to see what I missed when I couldn't attend some of the dxc's and the latest sneakercon. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to the second annual sneaker battle, but it seemed like you had a fun time and it’s nice to see a group of people, kickgame represent and put on for their community. Shout outs to kickgame Mello, Shells, Dcypol, Ty Money, Dane Cody and everyone else who made this site possible.

skino in the fuckin joint...keep ur ish moving my G...loving the whole my movement baby..LP.stand up EP.stand up..FA stand up CROWN HEIGHTS WE IN HERE!! PROSKI...
my movement=starting our own B.I....PROSKI
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