It's " Hoodie Weather " again!, I do this "CONSISTENTLY" season to season.
On Monday September 13,2010 it officially became 18 moths since
KickGameDVD.COM hit the Internet. Tuesday September 14,2010 we broke "400,000 Hits". I wanna say
Thank You to everybody who continues to rock with the team.
" We almost GOLD!" - (Cottonman)
I've been extremely busy for the past month & I'm backed up on work but "I'm Back!",& their are several things for me to attend to. First thing is " What's up with this?" I don't see the FOLLOWERS growing. This puzzles me..." I Know Everybody Who Comes Through Isn't Following". I really believe life is about progress & I need to see progress with my FOLLOWERS!.
It's very simple to become a "FOLLOWER", just click "FOLLOW" then you will be asked to choose which E-Mail company your with (Google/Yahoo/ AIM etc..). Then after you choose you will be asked to enter your E-Mail address. Once you enter your E-Mail address you will be official. You can add a picture if you want.
Like I said before I wanna see some PROGRESS!. If you come through daily you need to become official. Those of you who just LURK around KickGameDVD.COM are welcome to join too. You don't have to put your real name, " You know you LOVE THIS!!" lol (4 Real Though).
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